Water I assure is not as scarce as you think, in the universe. You have defined a range suitable for life, which centers the earth: your home. You can not be more mistaken. The planet you have assumed to be in the edge of life range did indeed have life, even before your own planet. You might not have added us to the edge if you had known how we were millions of years ago. The range would include other planets as well.
We never destroyed our world as you do now, but we were nearer to sun than you were. The rapid climatic changes were too extreme for us to adapt. The neighboring planet:you, was there to save us. At least some of us; selected specially to colonize your planet. As civilized beings we always respected your advancements and never did we interfere. Your achievements are completely yours. Your technology is yours. The path you took is your own choice. We mingled among you unnoticed as long as your kind remembers the sun. We saw you stand up to look far across the grassy plains.
So, do we look like you? No we do not but you think we do. And you will think so for ever. But there could be a day you try to improve your thinking in a different perspective. You will stop looking at others and start looking at your self. Then you will understand all the illusions you have been filled in. On that day we will fail to hide any more and be forced to reveal our selves. But the way you think and 'prosper' makes us believe that we are safe in your planet for many more millions of years.
So, do we look like you? No we do not but you think we do. And you will think so for ever. But there could be a day you try to improve your thinking in a different perspective. You will stop looking at others and start looking at your self. Then you will understand all the illusions you have been filled in. On that day we will fail to hide any more and be forced to reveal our selves. But the way you think and 'prosper' makes us believe that we are safe in your planet for many more millions of years.